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How to choose Nail Polish Color
that always looks good!

So much fun choosing nail polish these days but how do you choose a color that will suit you? If that sounds strange, don't forget that your hands have the same skin tone as your face. Consequently, some colors will look better against your skin than others! 

Whether you have a professional manicure or not there are some amazing quality gel products on the market nowadays that defy the old days of chipped polish!

I've been asked a couple of times about the perfect nail polish color for each season - there's never one perfect choice but there is always a way to ensure that you're in the ballpark! 

Choosing makeup colors #choosingmakeupcolors #makeup https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/choosing-makeup-colors.html

Nail Color should flatter your skin tone

Although you should have fun when choosing nail polish if you want to look classic and classy I suggest you follow the same theme as when you're choosing makeup.

Your hands have exactly the same undertone as your face so following your skin tone will ensure that color complements your skin.

Warm or Cool is the constant theme for choosing color and nail color is no exception.

and complement your Personality

Everyone looks at your face first so you want to find:

  • colors that harmonize with your natural coloring
  • and products that allow you to still feel like YOU!

You're working from the INSIDE OUT? Your skin tone is entirely natural and when you complement it gently with harmonizing shades you'll always look your best.

  • Your SKIN will look clearer
  • your EYES will look brighter
  • and your HAIR color will be more intense

Begin with Foundation

We don't all fit into an easily identifiable 'box' and it's always best, for foundation particularly, if you can try it directly onto your skin. The foundation color that practically disappears is the one that matches your skin tone best. If you're in a department store ask for a sample to take home to try before you make a decision. 

Look Fabulous Forever (makeup for mature skin) produce 5 foundation shades based on 'intensity' i.e. the depth of skin color rather than Warm or Cool. There's a shade for everyone and they even offer an exchange if you get it wrong! 

Choosing makeup colors #choosingmakeupcolors #makeup https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/choosing-makeup-colors.html

Choosing color for Lip, blush and eyes

Once you look to choose color the obvious way is to identify whether you are Warm or Cool.

It really is the fast track way to choosing the right makeup colors.

Right, I show you a golden 'warm' skin tone against a pink toned 'cool skin. It's obvious that different shades of makeup will be necessary to complement the different shades of skin.

Choosing makeup colors #choosingmakeupcolors #makeup https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/choosing-makeup-colors.html

Blush and lipstick

Once you find a foundation base that suits your skin tone then the next step is to enhance it with a little color. If you're a novice with choosing makeup colors then use a light hand.

Look Fabulous Forever make lipstick, blusher and eye shadows in both Warm and Cool shades and offer help when choosing makeup colors. You can see below how the shades mirror the relevant color palette ready to react perfectly with your skin tone too.

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For WARM skin

If you have a WARM skin, many of these yellow based tones will probably be second nature to you.

The color palettes below will complement Warm skin and the luscious colors can all be adopted into makeup colors too.

If your coloring is fair go for the pretty and lighter shades of peach coral or apricot; with deeper skin you'll enjoy the stronger shades of copper bronze or terracotta.

Warm makeup shades below are Peach Cream blusher and lipsticks Soft Caramel, Rosewood and Foxy Lady - all by Look Fabulous Forever.

Choosing makeup colors #choosingmakeupcolors #makeup https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/choosing-makeup-colors.htmlWarm tones for makeup colors
Choosing makeup colors #choosingmakeupcolors #makeup https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/choosing-makeup-colors.htmlWarm makeup Look Fabulous Forever

For COOL skin

If you have a COOL skin, then it's the blue based shades that will bring your natural coloring to life.

The color palettes below will complement Cool skin and this classicly beautiful color palette can be adopted into makeup colors too.

If you're coloring is fair choose the lighter shades of pink, soft rose and raspberry; with deeper toned skin you will enjoy the more definite shades of plum, damson and the berry tones. 

Cool makeup shades below are Rose Glow Cream blusher and lipsticks Pink Pop, Sweet Pea and Soft Plum - all by Look Fabulous Forever.

Choosing makeup colors #choosingmakeupcolors #makeup https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/choosing-makeup-colors.htmlCool tones for makeup
Choosing makeup colors #choosingmakeupcolors #makeup https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/choosing-makeup-colors.htmlCool toned makeup Look Fabulous Forever

Color for eyes

If you feel confident you can pick out colors for eye shadow, pencil etc from your color palette whether you're Warm or Cool.

If you'd rather, you can choose to stick to neutral tones. There are subtle differences in taupes and natural tones, an eye shadow palette like the ones below make it easy.  

When you're choosing makeup colors...

Makeup is all Color! When you're browsing around cosmetic counters choosing makeup colors, it's because you want to look and feel your best but how many of us have lipsticks sitting in the drawer hardly used?

You probably choose your makeup for a variety of reasons:

  • magazines and shop windows advertise the colors of the season
  • you choose products which you've worn before and you know are safe
  • you're looking for a lipstick to match your new outfit
  • a special promotion or the consultant recommends products for you
  • something catches your eye and you think you'll try a change
  • choose a foundation first and then look for eye makeup and lipstick that you like

Identify your SKIN TONE and get it right every time!

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Pamela x

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