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Warm or Cool? FAST TRACK to Color

Are you confident when you're looking for colors to suit you? 

Identifying a WARM or COOL undertone will give you a FAST TRACK to COLOR!

Undertone is the layer under your skin which influences the overall look of your natural coloring. Pale in the Winter? Tanned in the Summer? Dont worry, your undertone always stays the same.

Strangely enough, the undertone of your skin is usually influenced by either YELLOW or BLUE. That is:


Get your FREE DOWNLOAD. A simple little guide to make identifying Warm from Cool really easy. simple? Go the bottom of the page for a FREE DOWNLOAD. 

Warm or Cool - fast track to COLOR by identifying your undertone. #coloranalysis #warmorcool #undertone https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/warm-or-cool.html

Download a simple little guide to help you identify WARM or COOL colors? 

Free download - How to identify WARM v COOL colors. #warmorcool https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/warm-or-cool.html

Undertone not complexion!

The Undertone of your skin is entirely different to your complexion which is the surface color of your skin and can be Light, Medium or Dark.

Of course some of us will not have a easily identifiable undertone because we're all different. Undertones will be of different intensities, some delicate, some stronger. Some people will even have a NEUTRAL undertone which means that undertone is not the most important factor of their coloring. Sometimes you can wear both Warm and Cool colors as long as they are not too extreme! 

But for most people identifying your undertone, either WARM or COOL, will help you to choose clothes, even hair and makeup shades, to complement your natural coloring. 

Even after Color Analysis...

Even after Color Analysis some people still don't know whether they are Warm or Cool as they haven't received a full explanation of their color direction.   

Make a point of finding out which you are because wearing makeup and clothes that flatter your skin tone will make you look healthier and more attractive.

See if you can identify your undertone below. 

Warm or Cool - fast track to COLOR by identifying your undertone. #coloranalysis #warmorcool #undertone https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/warm-or-cool.html
Warm or Cool - fast track to COLOR by identifying your undertone. #coloranalysis #warmorcool #undertone https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/warm-or-cool.html

So are you WARM or COOL?

You won't be clear on every point but you will probably lean one way or the other. 


  • your skin may be ivory, beige or olive
  • if your skin is ruddy it leans towards red not soft pink 
  • you may have/had freckles
  • naturally warm red/golden hair tones
  • eyes have some gold or teal 
  • the veins in your wrist are green
  • rich creams/golds look good
  • bright pinks/fuchsia are harsh
  • you're drawn to earthy colors
  • gold jewelry is flattering


  • fair pink toned skin will flush easily
  • beige/deep beige skin with some pink tones may be sallow
  • eyes will always have a grey cast
  • hair can be fair through to deep ash brown, always ash toned
  • the veins in your wrist are blue
  • pure or soft white looks good
  • you like pinks, blues, jewel tones
  • yellow/orange is unflattering
  • you find earthy shades dull
  • silver and pearls suit you

You'll probably choose this bouquet...

Answered more of the questions on one side? Then you will probably have chosen the flowers directly beneath here. WARM is on the left and COOL on the right.

Warm or Cool - fast track to COLOR by identifying your undertone. #coloranalysis #warmorcool #undertone https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/warm-or-cool.htmlWarm colors
Warm or Cool - fast track to COLOR by identifying your undertone. #coloranalysis #warmorcool #undertone https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/warm-or-cool.htmlCool flowers

Natural Color Analysis

Each bouquet has flowers and leaves that belong to the same color family, it creates harmony. Color Analysis works in exactly the same way. When you wear makeup and clothes that complement your natural coloring it's more pleasing to the eye.

It's completely instinctive to have an affinity with colors that belong to the same Color Family as your own.

Color affects everything we buy. From the cushions on your sofa to the shampoo in your bathroom, and we are usually influenced by our genetic makeup. Have you ever wondered why you are drawn to one color and your friend is drawn to another?

These are probably the sort of colors you like...

Warm or Cool - fast track to COLOR by identifying your undertone. #coloranalysis #warmorcool #undertone https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/warm-or-cool.html
Warm or Cool - fast track to COLOR by identifying your undertone. #coloranalysis #warmorcool #undertone https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/warm-or-cool.html

Of course there are lights and deeps...

Your complexion may be fair or dark and this will probably influence whether you enjoy wearing lighter or stronger shades. 

There are 3 Warm Seasons (Spring, Warm and Autumn), and 3 Cool Seasons (Summer, Cool and Winter).

But just understanding WARM or COOL is FAST TRACK to looking your best!

Warm or Cool - fast track to COLOR by identifying your undertone. #coloranalysis #warmorcool #undertone https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/warm-or-cool.html

Makeup is probably top of the list!

Being able to choose the most flattering makeup is probably the most important because your face is where everyone looks first! Warm makeup or Cool makeup

Got your download yet?

Free download - How to identify WARM v COOL colors. #warmorcool https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/warm-or-cool.html

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Warm or Cool - fast track to COLOR by identifying your undertone. #coloranalysis #warmorcool #undertone https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/warm-or-cool.html
Warm or Cool - fast track to COLOR by identifying your undertone. #coloranalysis #warmorcool #undertone https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/warm-or-cool.html
Warm or Cool - fast track to COLOR by identifying your undertone. #coloranalysis #warmorcool #undertone https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/warm-or-cool.html
Warm or Cool - fast track to COLOR by identifying your undertone. #coloranalysis #warmorcool #undertone https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/warm-or-cool.html
Warm or Cool - fast track to COLOR by identifying your undertone. #coloranalysis #warmorcool #undertone https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/warm-or-cool.html

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