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Let me show you how to


Let me show you how to Listen to Your BODY TALK and find all the wonderful positives in your face and figure! 

Nature designed YOU, your Colors and your Shape at the moment of conception and clever old Nature left some special messages for you to discover.

I'll show you how easy it is to discover the best Colors, Shapes and Styles to look good and feel good about yourself, regardless of age shape or size! 

Just listen to your Body Talk!

Listen to your Body Talk, discover the Colors Shapes and Styles to fit and flatter your face/figure. #bodytalk #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/listen-to-your-body-talk.html

The secrets of Color, Shape and Style

I'm Pamela, and I discovered the secrets of Color, Shape and Style a long time ago.  No-one else can tell you how you should look because no-one knows how you want to feel - only YOU!

I found a confidence that works for me and my lifestyle. YOU can too!

"..most women are like me, don’t want to look like a fashion model, just want a bit more confidence..!"

So if any of these statements rings a bell...

  • You want to feel more confident
  • You want to feel more put together
  • You thought it looked good in the changing room
  • You have lots of clothes but nothing goes together
  • You panic if a special occasion comes along
  • You have a limited budget and need to spend wisely
  • You're in the right place - READ ON!
Body Talk 3

"There is no better designer than Nature"
Alexander McQueen

How to listen to your Body Talk

Positive 1 - Your Natural coloring shows your COLORS

Nature provides a color palette for every living thing creating complete harmony. 

Your natural coloring is in your eyes, hair and skin tone. Identify those color characteristics and discover your Color Family, the palette of colors that allows you to create harmony and always look your best. 

Discover Color Analysis - It's magic!

Listen to your Body Talk, discover the Colors Shapes and Styles to fit and flatter your face/figure. #bodytalk #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/listen-to-your-body-talk.html
Listen to your Body Talk, discover the Colors Shapes and Styles to fit and flatter your face/figure. #bodytalk #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/listen-to-your-body-talk.html

Positive 2 - Body Type is SHAPE NOT SIZE

Your body is an amazing machine with a firm bone structure which decides your generic Body Type. 

Whether you gain or lose weight your body frame does not change.

It's SHAPE NOT SIZE that counts and works on the relationship between shoulders and hips.

Discover which of the 5 Body Types you're closest to and suddenly understand why some fabrics and shapes are more comfortable than others.   

Identify Your Body Type or take the Body Type Quiz.

Listen to your Body Talk, discover the Colors Shapes and Styles to fit and flatter your face/figure. #bodytalk #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/listen-to-your-body-talk.html

Positive 3 - How to dress your unique BODY SHAPE

Nature makes each of us 'perfect' but our actual Body Shape is unique - no-one is exactly the same!

We have lumps, bumps, bits we like, bits we don't like and few of us have proportions that fit the garments you buy 'off the peg' and the majority of us have a 'fit' problem somewhere. 

Identify your 'figure challenge' and visually influence your shape by choosing a cut or shape to balance - you have the solution. 

You can Dress for your Shape...

Listen to your Body Talk, discover the Colors Shapes and Styles to fit and flatter your face/figure. #bodytalk #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/listen-to-your-body-talk.html

Positive 4 - Style is individual taste/PERSONALITY

Your STYLE is your taste: there's no right or wrong way to look.

Your Body Talk tells you when you feel confident and comfortable - and your choices only have to work for YOU and your LIFESTYLE!

That look may be classic or edgy, crisp or fancy, ladylike or outrageous! Style embraces your personality and makes YOU an individual allowing your creativity to blossom!

You don't have to copy or fit in with anyone else but if you'd like some style inspiration....????

Listen to your Body Talk, discover the Colors Shapes and Styles to fit and flatter your face/figure. #bodytalk #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/listen-to-your-body-talk.html

Positive 5 - COLOR PERSONALITY reflects natural coloring

Another fun programme - but with it's roots firmly set in science!

Do your instinctive color choices reflect your personality? This quiz will make you think!

COLOR has a major affect on us all and, there is no doubt, that your color choices reflect your personal and natural coloring. But do you instinctive color choices reflect your personality too?

This quiz will make you think! 

Color Personality Quiz new 400

So much more to discover and enjoy!

There's plenty more to discover and enjoy on Style Yourself Confident, from MAKEUP and HAIR to CAPSULES, CLOSETS, TRAVEL, RECIPES and even HOBBIES!  

See the Sitemap. 

I love to share my take on things, usually with a hefty dose of common sense!

So climb aboard and enjoy.  If you have any questions please feel free to comment on a post, Ask a Style Question or Contact me.

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