Your Style 086 - Christmas 2019

Hi there

Returning from holiday of 30 degrees, we've returned to a bleak and wet UK.

But never mind, it's Christmas. At this moment I can hear Maurice having an argument with the Christmas tree because it won't stand up straight!

Christmas cards from old friends and farflung relatives reminds me that time goes so quickly. I've made a vow and a list of those I'd like to catch up with in the New Year. Time goes so quickly and just a cup of coffee with an old friend can bring back delightful memories and brighten the day. 

I wish you all a wonderfully Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year. 

My Christmas Dress

What is the perfect Christmas dress - a dress that's comfortable enough to cook the dinner; play with the grand children, curl up on the sofa, but striking enough to take me out to dinner or drinks.

It has to strike the right note; a bit special but not over the top. Always looking, but this year I've found the rare phenomenon!

Your Sparkle: Silver or Gold?

We all love a bit of Christmas sparkle whether it's dressing up for a party or merely dressing the all-important tree!

But do you choose GOLD or SILVER? Your natural coloring influences your instinctive decisions when choosing colors? and Christmas sparkle is no exception. 

Have a Souper time!

What's easy, quick, delicious, healthy, warming, filling, impressive to serve, helps you to slim, freezes like a dream and is cheap to make?

Two of my favorite Winter soups!

It makes a perfect lunch on a cold winter's day or a starter for dinner at anytime through the Holidays.

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Your Color Analysis...  - your favorite section!

I really wanted to show you Gina's smile (below). Gorgeous in black but even more beautiful surrounded by her new Autumn color direction. 

She'd been relying so much on black and was extremely surprised to see the beautiful colors that brought her to life. The Autumn colors are strong and deep and, although you will rarely see it said, there's no reason not to include them with the brilliant and dramatic colors of Autumn. A few splashes of color will make a big difference to Gina's wardrobe. As she says: 

"THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is such a surprise but I can see how much it makes sense. Now I can style myself confidently! This information has been and will continue to be so helpful and invaluable."

See more before and after Color Analysis testionials.

Whether your Christmas is frenetic or relaxing

I wish you happiness and joy with the ones you love

Pamela x

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