Your Style 088 - February 2020

Hi there!

I want to mark this 'month of love' with..

"10 things every Woman needs to know".

This is a reminder of the importance of caring for and believing in yourself. It's often said that you need to love yourself before you're able to love others (I'm not sure about that one) but certainly valuing yourself affects the way you are treated by others.

Not one woman on this earth feels confident and positive all the time, but it's important to accept yourself, flaws and all, and appreciate who and what you are and what you have to offer.

Are you ready for your Color Analysis? Then point your Valentine in THIS direction, it's the gift that lasts forever!

N.B. Advice to self!

This is the sort of advice you'd give to your best friend.

Are you equally kind to yourself?

Shades of Red - it's easy!

A pertinent time to explain the Shades of Red. Although many women are fearful of wearing red because they think its too bright and showy, everyone should be able to find a shade that suits them without feeling over powered.

The easiest way is to recognize the difference between a Warm and a Cool Red - that's whether it has a yellow or blue undertone.

Ready for Valentine and the Red Carpet?

Follow the lead of the celebrities! Who do you most resemble. 

It's easy to choose the best red for you once you've identified your natural coloring. 

And if you're not quite ready to dazzle head to toe, never underestimate the power of a new lipstick or nail polish! read more..

Romantic Style

A Romantic Style Personality?

You're feminine, ladylike and never lose your feminine allure choosing softness and drape, color and curls. Although you give the impression of being non-threatening, you're a man's girl!

You're always conscious of being well groomed and looking your best. read more.. 

Pamper your hands

I often call February 'pamper your hands' month.

It's often the time when the relatively thin skin on our hands begin to suffer from the harsh conditions of Winter and my nails are prone to breaking. read more..

Tidy up your Wardrobe

We still have a chunk of Winter to come and this season's clothes are getting boring.

While we're waiting for a touch of Spring it's the perfect time to give everything a good tidy up and discover the pieces you'd forgotten about. read more..

My postbag: A Winter man, how to wear brown shoes?

I don't normally get involved in men's fashion but this very subject came up quite recently. Then I received this question.

Q I'm a Winter man and camel and tan aren't my colors so how does it work with shoes when blue/brown is a good combination.

Seems that the classic rule of 'no brown in town' has been relaxed and brown has become a fashion statement.  read my answer...

Posts you may have missed...

Your Color Analysis...  - your favorite section!

I'm so pleased to show you the color profiles of Ashley and Cherry today. Asian skin is often thought to be exclusively Warm and yet these two beautiful girls belie that theory. 

There are lighter/darker skin tones and Warm/Cool undertones in every ethnicity. Color Analysis works in exactly the same way whatever the color of your skin. When you surround yourself with colors that echo your own natural coloring you will create harmony!

Read what Ashley and Cherry have to say HERE and if you're ready for your own Color Analysis (wherever you are in the world) pop over to THIS PAGE.

In March we shall be thinking Spring, what a lovely thought...

with love Pamela x

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All the FREE Resources here for you ...

FREE Color Personality Quiz #colorpersonalityquiz #colorswatch #coloranalysis #bodyshape #colorandstyle
Look Fabulous Forever Makeup for mature skins #lookfabulousforever
FREE Color Analysis for men #coloranalysisformen #bodyshape #colorandstyle
Fabric Color Swatches #colorswatch #coloranalysis #bodyshape #colorandstyle

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