Your Style Magazine #103
June 2021

Color Analysis, Bodyshape and Style #coloranalysis #bodyshape

Hi there!

Finally Summer has arrived in the UK! It may not be here to stay so what could be more delightful than the idea of a impromptu picnic to meet up with family or friends. 

During the past strange year we've become used to being more home based, following a set of rules for every aspect of life. Now things are changing again and, even back to normal is disturbing as it can cause anxiety and stress. 

Making new plans and establishing a new routine can help us all to feel a little more secure when things around us are a still a bit shakey. 

Color Analysis, Bodyshape and Style #coloranalysis #bodyshape

Taking care of yourself and planning your wardrobe are both small steps in themselves, but they can certainly help you to feel more in control when you're in face to face situations again. 

Work your Wardrobe

A new season is the perfect time to 'Work Your Wardrobe'. 

If you're concerned about finances in the present situation, cross shopping off your agenda for the foreseeable future.

You may think you've got nothing to wear, but if you work your wardrobe efficiently you'll be amazed!

You can do this - RIGHT NOW!  

Color Analysis, Bodyshape and Style #coloranalysis #bodyshape

Want to work to a plan with me? 

Not ready to go it alone and want to work to a plan? Perhaps you're like me and find that many items in a Capsule Wardrobe plan are too young. I don't want to wear shorts, skinny jeans or denim jackets - how about you?

I'm always being asked for a Capsule for a retired woman and this new year-round collection of CLASSICS is perfect. I'm going to work it from my current wardrobe and unearth things I've not been bothering to wear. I'll show you some outfits next month. Are you ready to be jolted out of your home-based comfort zone with me? 

Meanwhile, find all Capsule plans HERE..

Color Analysis, Bodyshape and Style #coloranalysis #bodyshape

Summer's Magic Color

I'm been looking for Summers Magic Color! The ONE color that will suit absolutely everyone with Summer coloring.

If you fit the bill, that is if your coloring is Cool, Light and Soft (Muted), then PERIWINKLE is your Magic Color. I've never met a single Summer complexion that doesn't respond favourably to this fabulous purpley blue!   

Color Analysis, Bodyshape and Style #coloranalysis #bodyshape

Body Love

While the world is in chaos it's even more important to practice some BODY LOVE.

Life is precious and instead of worrying about what we're missing most of us are appreciating how lucky we are to be safe with a roof over our heads, food to eat and fresh air to breathe.

Decide to practice some body love TODAY because life is getting back to normal!

Color Analysis, Bodyshape and Style #coloranalysis #bodyshape

Warm or Cool

Are you confident when you're looking for colors to suit you? 

Identifying a WARM or COOL undertone will give you a FAST TRACK to COLOR!

Undertone is the layer under your skin which influences the overall look of your natural coloring, not your complexion.

Pale in the Winter? Tanned in the Summer? Dont worry, your undertone always stays the same.

Color Analysis, Bodyshape and Style #coloranalysis #bodyshape

Wearing Pearls casually

Only wearing your pearls with a little black dress?

'Going out' has become increasingly casual and we're starting to wear pearls casually too. Theyre fashionable again and even fun!

Color Analysis, Bodyshape and Style #coloranalysis #bodyshape

Wear Autumn colors in Summer

Can you wear Autumn colors in Summer? Yes you certainly can!

If you think of soft warm woollen fabrics, deep piles and rich coloring of the Autumn colors, it might initially be difficult to visualize the same shades in the sunshine.

But let's imagine that instead of Autumn foliage we think of the dazzling spectacle of a Caribbean sunset - they're AUTUMN colors too!  read more...

Color Analysis, Bodyshape and Style #coloranalysis #bodyshape

Flatter the Pear

A pear shaped body has beautiful curves! You have curvy hips that are wider than your more narrow shoulders. 

Sometimes referred to as a triangle shape because you're bottom heavy but there are certainly no angular lines to your figure.

Your more slender shoulders may sometimes be sloping but there are easy ways to balance your figure.

Color Analysis, Bodyshape and Style #coloranalysis #bodyshape

Picnic Recipe - Impossible Quiche

This recipe came from South Africa years ago, via a work colleague.  

Impossibly quick and easy with no pastry to make but somehow it forms a thin bottom layer that holds it all together.

Anyway, it's delicious and is perfect for our Picnic month! 

Color Analysis, Bodyshape and Style #coloranalysis #bodyshape

Your Color Analysis  - Autumn to Cool ???

It's not unusual for me to be contacted by women who have had an Autumn analysis in the past and requesting an update. There's obviously a reason why they need to qualify their original analysis - some kind of doubt has set in!

At the same time we all know that most young women will look good wearing a 'paper bag' and it's only as we get a little older we need to be more discerning.

In fact, many women have been determined Autumn in the past for no other reason than the Seasons had no real place to put them! Hazel eyes or brown eyes are not automatically Warm and do not automatically fit into the Autumn season. 

Two ladies today who had both been struggling with the Autumn palette for several years were surprised to find that they are actually COOL. And you'll notice that hair color is not the deciding factor!

While Kathy was convinced she was Autumn, she hadn't realized that instinctively she was often wearing cool colors. While Paige found that increasingly she was feeling and looking older in the warm colors of Autumn. See more in Before and After CA

Color Analysis, Bodyshape and Style #coloranalysis #bodyshape
Color Analysis, Bodyshape and Style #coloranalysis #bodyshape

enjoy the sunshine

love to you all

Pamela x

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Fabric Color Swatches #colorswatch #coloranalysis #bodyshape #colorandstyle

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