Your Style 090 - April 2020

Hi there!

How quickly life has changed. The beginning of Spring with blue sky and sunshine while the world is riddled with disease, an unseen enemy. 

Wherever you are in the world we share the same feelings but there's no way to put it into words. Anxious, frustrated, missing the freedom we take so much for granted and hugs from family. 

Yet so many positives. My wonderful husband who is coping with continual burnt offerings as I can't keep my mind on the job, the safety of home and garden, a well stocked larder and, most of all, the incredible sacrifice being made by the front line workers here in the UK.

Color and Style roundup April 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape

If you are alone at home don't be afraid to reach out locally, there are always others who will welcome contact. 

Sisters in Self Isolation! #sis

We're Sisters in Self isolation the world over as we fight to stay positive and take some element of control in this crazy world! 

For the first time in history we are all fighting a common enemy.

A few ways I'm surviving at the moment...

Color and Style roundup April 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape

Spring Capsule Wardrobe

Establish some normalcy in the current crisis with a continued routine of getting dressed and looking your best.

Enough on your mind already? Let the GYPO Spring Capsule Wardrobe do the thinking for you with it's 31 day outfit calendar. 

It comes with a complete shopping list for every size, budget and age, but you can substitute where necessary and make it work with the existing contents of your closet!

Color and Style roundup April 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape

10 tips for healthier hair - give it a break!

Make the most of being home based and adopt my 10 tips for healthier hair!

Lack of time in the mornings generally means that your hair may not receive the gentle treatment it deserves. 

Fast blow dries, heated styling products and holding spray are all damaging when used to excess. Time to give it a break!

Color and Style roundup April 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape

Million Mask Challenge and How to sew a facemask

To combat frustration at this crazy old world I decided to make facemasks for my friends and family. 

What I found was an amazing lady who is marshalling an entire team of sewers to make a MILLION facemasks for her local hospital.

She is generous enough to share her instructions and pattern with the world.

Color and Style roundup April 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape

Simply Pink

Color and Style roundup April 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape
Color and Style roundup April 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape

Simply Pink! Whether it's baby sweet or hot and shocking, there is invariably some kind of 'girly' connotation to this color.

But whether you run a mile from Pink or not - every woman needs to know the best PINK to suit her natural coloring - even if it is just for Makeup.

Wearing the best makeup colors to flatter your complexion makes your face come ALIVE!

Other recent posts...

Color and Style roundup April 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape
Color and Style roundup April 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape

Your Color Analysis...  - unusual color combinations...

When I talk about Color Families (look under COLOR in top Nav Bar) I list the most generic characteristics. But of course everyone is different and reacts to a color palette in a different way. 

You probably think of a Summer as being blonde or at least very fair but Summer is a complex color family and made up of 3 color characteristics Light, Soft and Cool.

LIGHT is only part of this complex color palette and, in this instance, means colors with a light intensity. Heavily saturated colors will overpower.

SOFT is another element of the Summer palette and means that the colors have a Muted chroma, they are softened with grey. A clear color would overpower. 

COOL is an important factor in the Summer colors because the colors have a Cool/blue undertone.

There is a huge variety of skin tones across every ethnicity and, although Cherry and Jane may look different, they are equally both intune to the Summer palette.

Read what Jane and Cherry have to say HERE and if you're ready to unravel your coloring conundrum (wherever you are in the world) pop over to THIS PAGE.

Color and Style roundup April 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape

I was always told not to wish away time but just at the moment that's all I want to do.

But we WILL get through this

with much love Pamela x

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FREE Color Personality Quiz #colorpersonalityquiz #colorswatch #coloranalysis #bodyshape #colorandstyle
Look Fabulous Forever Makeup for mature skins #lookfabulousforever
FREE Color Analysis for men #coloranalysisformen #bodyshape #colorandstyle
Fabric Color Swatches #colorswatch #coloranalysis #bodyshape #colorandstyle

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