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Embrace the New Year with optimism and positivity but let's forget the word RESOLUTIONS try INTENTIONS!

RESOLUTIONS are generally unrealistic and rarely survive the first week. Trying to do things we think we should means that failure is all too easy and, inevitably, it knocks our confidence! 

An INTENTION, however, is something that you want to do rather than something you should do. An intention can be the start of a dream or it might be that you're finally identifying what’s genuinely important to you.

Plant the seed of a dream in your mind and allow it to take root!

Forget Resolutions try Intentions #newyear #resolutions   #intentions

But first... Let's celebrate the OLD!

Take a look back over your year and celebrate the wins - big and small! Trials and tribulations affect us all; sometimes we struggle and sometimes we fail but, most of the time, we manage to cope with what life throws at us. 

So celebrate with pride how you coped with the ups and downs you've inevitably had to face. Life is rarely perfect but you've come through another year. There may have been a few tears of sadness/happiness along the way but you've shown far more resilience than you give yourself credit for!  


  • the strength you've found 
  • your ability to find solutions
  • the principles you've upheld
  • the habits you've established
  • the emotional storms you've survived


  • the talents you've discovered
  • the new skills you've developed
  • the friendships you've forged
  • the opportunities you've taken
  • the love/friendship you've shared

It's easy to forget the promotion you earned, the challenging project you successfully navigated, the family situation you handled with grace and diplomacy.

All these situations required you to stoically cope with ups and downs and are testament to your strength, resilience and wisdom.

My problems and your problems, all inconsequential things to the world in general, make us who we are so reassure yourself that you’ve done your best and allow yourself to appreciate your achievements.

Forget Resolutions try Intentions #newyear #resolutions   #intentions

Forget Resolutions try Intentions! 

As you celebrate the old it's time to look ahead to the NEW!

Consider a RESOLUTION! That's a one-off you know and easily broken!

But an INTENTION, now that's more difficult to fail! It may be as a result of what happened last year; it may be something you've often thought about; it's a plan, a 'road map' if you like!

Your plan may relate to love, home and relationships self-care, career or finances etc. and it will inevitably start small. But long term it could be something completely life changing. As you grow and change so too may your Intention but along the way we have the ability to revise and refine those ideas.    

So, although you will find an awful lot of psycho-babble written about the word 'Intention', it just means identifying your own personal/professional ideas, dreams, ambitions (whichever word suits you) in whatever area you want to focus on. 

  • How do I want to live?
  • What career opportunities might lie ahead? 
  • What values do I want to share with my partner? 
  • Do I acknowledge and appreciate the good things in my life?

As you grow and change, so too may your intentions and like a road map, there are different routes you might take. If you don't meet your expectations at any time, you can revise, recalibrate and yet still travel in the same direction. 

So this New year forget RESOLUTIONS try INTENTIONS!

Forget Resolutions try Intentions #newyear #resolutions   #intentions

Let's talk about Self Development

Perhaps you have INTENTIONS relevant to your own self development.


As mature women it's not unusual to face health concerns. Practicing self care is not selfish, it's essential so prioritize sleep, nourish your body with healthy foods and try to include a modicum of exercise into your routine. Don't neglect medical check-ups and certainly don't hesitate to seek help and support when it's needed. 


All middle aged women, sooner or later, have to face the menopause, possible weight changes and the inevitable signs of ageing. Embrace the changes your body undergoes with grace and self acceptance but do explore alternative options like HRT or natural remedies. Ageing is a privilege and self care will enable you to enjoy later life to the full. 


It's easy to say that true beauty comes from within and your worth is not determined by societal beauty standards but that can be difficult to accept.  However much is spent on pampering or clothes you need to truly believe in yourself before you can begin to relax and feel confident in your own skin! Gaining Body Confidence will help you to stop thinking and worrying about yourself and help you to concentrate on the people around you. For some, this is as simple as changing the way we see ourselves; for others, it may involve changing how we live. For most of us, it involves a bit of both.

Forget Resolutions try Intentions #newyear #resolutions   #intentions

Taking positive steps! 


The structure of life has changed and many people find their social groups diminishing. Being retired, disabled, widowed, working from home; all groups that may find social contact limited. Although isolation doesn't necessarily mean lonely the two frequently go together. You can feel alone whether you're young or old or even in a relationship! Make it your Intention to connect more with others. Here are 4 steps that offer helpful ideas.


Let me walk you through your own road map of colors, shapes and styles that nature designed to enhance your face and figure. When you listen to your body talk you'll discover the wonderful positives in your face and figure. Everyone can look good and feel good about themselves, regardless of age shape or size! 


Forget resolutions try intentions towards your finances. Banks will sometimes pay you money to switch accounts and then encourage regular savings with a high interest account. Whatever your age... from small acorns...!


Inner confidence shines through in how you present yourself and when you look good you feel good and your self esteem soars. Confidence plays a large part in career growth and confidence is something you can cultivate. Creating a plan to go forward one step at a time will help to identify your strengths and improve the way you work. 

"This year, let's not just reflect, but reset reflect and imagine!

Forget RESOLUTIONS try INTENTIONS and approach each day with grace, gratitude and the unwavering belief in your own incredible potential."

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