Your Style 084 - November 2019

Hi there!

Hope you enjoy reading about Vicki's Las Vegas Wedding. This weekend they've had a huge party for friends and family that were unable to share the main event with us. So wonderful to see them in their wedding finery again.

Gave me an excuse to wear my beautiful dress again too and, if you like it, take a look because it's now HALF PRICE!

I've been extremely busy with Color Analysis over the last few weeks so I'm afraid it's taking a little longer than usual to complete. I will be on vacation for 2 weeks end November/December and this takes out a big chunk of time pre Christmas (I can't believe where the year has gone!).

I always give a 'latest' delivery date when I receive your information but, if you have a deadline to work to, please allow plenty of time. 

I'm off to do some Christmas shopping now curled up in front of the fire. Hate the idea that our High Streets are dying but, honestly, there's no contest!

A Paris Wedding in Las Vegas

When my daughter started to discuss wedding plans, a Paris Wedding in Las Vegas was not the scenario that came to mind! was an emotionally charged, romantic, elegant, fun, frenetic and ultimately glorious...  a supremely happy family occasion that we all look back on with complete JOY! 

Mother of the Bride Las Vegas

My Mother of the Bride outfit for Vicki's Las Vegas wedding had to be something special.

Beautiful as they were, all the shops were full of elegant and subtle colors which do nothing for me - and to be honest, Las Vegas doesn't do subtle!

Work your Wardrobe

A new season always brings a change of pace and getting back to normality after a long hot Summer takes effort.

So how to look polished and well groomed once you leave your summer sandals and casual wear behind? With as little effort as possible of course!

Burgundy or Maroon?

Burgundy or Maroon - do you know which is which? And moreover how do you begin to distinguish between Warm and Cool shades? 

Burgundy is a beautiful cold weather color and very popular. As with all colors you'll see lots of different shades all calling themselves 'burgundy'. This is a color that, years ago, my mother would have called 'maroon'.    

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Your Color Analysis...  - your favorite section!

Quite unusually, I've analyzed two ladies in recent weeks who both fit perfectly into the LIGHT Tonal Color Family. 

LIGHT is the primary characteristic of their delicate coloring which means that they will always look their best when wearing colors with a LIGHT pigment/LIGHT intensity.

This actually means that both Beth and Kristie are able to wear Warm and Cool colors equally well because undertone is not the most important criteria. The colors are in no way light and 'wishy washy', they just have a lighter level of saturation.  

Kristie loves the sunshine and really favors bright clear colors so those are the ones I've highlighted for her.

If you're trying to decide whether you're Spring or Summer, then you may well fit into this category too and have the freedom to enjoy wearing tones from both palettes.

Ladies with Light natural coloring will usually retain their youthful looks far longer than many of us.  

See more before and after Color Analysis testionials.

Gosh, next step December!

Pamela x

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