Cool but told I have yellow undertones!

by Rori


I am so confused. Can I be cool and still have yellow undertones? I've always been labeled cool, but now a beauty consultant told me I have yellow undertones.


Hi Rori

Oh dear someone has put the cat amongst the pigeons for you!

First of all, please bear in mind that 'beauty consultants' are rarely trained in color. They may be good at makeup but they rarely understand the way color works. Strangely enough, my hairdresser who is brilliant at understanding hair color, recently gave me a special offer lipstick which her 'chart' told her was the best to complement my eyes. It was an orange red - now I have light cool coloring, have never worn a red lipstick in my life and would run a mile rather than wear anything close to orange!

If you are Cool, then you do not have yellow undertones in any respect. You probably don't like yellow, and certainly wouldn't choose to wear it (apart from a very pale crisp lemon).

If you have been professionally analyzed and you are currently happy with the colors you are wearing then I wouldn't worry about an 'off the wall' comment from someone who probably doesn't understand.

If, however, you doubt your color direction take a look at the page for Cool Color Analysis and see if your characteristics are a fit.

If you have worked out your own coloring and you're still not sure then I would suggest a Personal Color Analysis so that you have a clear color direction to go forward.

Hope this helps to ease your confusion...

kind regards

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