Cool and Clear Winter

by Debbie


Having trouble distinguishing between cool winter and clear winter. Can wear most yellows but never liked any browns or oranges or any greens but blue greens.If you could help me,I would greatly appreciate it.


Hi Debbie

Thank you for your question.

Distinguishing between 'parts' of a Season is something that bothers many people whereas, in fact, it's something that you shouldn't be worrying about!

If you were analyzed as the Winter Season by a color consultant it should have been explained to you that your coloring is Cool, Deep and Bright. That is exactly what Winter is - there have to be 3 color characteristics present in more or less equal quantities - it's very precise.

It's these 3 elements that produce your fabulous coloring.

Because you have Cool coloring, i.e. a blue undertone, there are no browns or oranges at all in a Cool season, i.e. Summer or Winter, only the crispest lemons, and deep blue greens.

I know that some people will try to break up the Winter season into these various elements; Cool Winter, Clear Winter and Deep Winter, but to my mind all that does is limit your color palette and cause frustration.

Because 3 elements have to be present, if you take one of them away then you're not really a Winter at all.

I'm not a fan (as you will have gathered) of the Flow Seasons, do read my article about it and how it can sometimes mean that you are not a Season at all.

If you haven't had a professional Color Analysis and have worked out your own analysis, then relax and enjoy all the beautiful colors in the Winter color palette - they're quite stunning!

kind regards

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