Blue Monday

The third Monday of January has been awarded the title of Blue Monday due to a combination of post-Christmas blues, cold dark nights and the arrival of unpaid credit card bills.

This year's Blue Monday falls during a particularly bad period for the global economy; a war in Europe and we're still reeling from the effects of the pandemic; all leading to higher inflation! 

Most of this is out of our control so let's try to look for positives! 

Blue Monday #bluemonday

Turn it into Brew Monday!

Although the term Blue Monday was originally a PR stunt by a travel company, a UK charity (Samaritans) is encouraging people to turn Blue Monday into 'Brew Monday'.

Reach out to virtually check in with friends and relatives to chat and have the all-time British panacea of a 'cup of tea' together. Make a connection, get talking and share your concerns and hopefully generate positivity rather than sitting and feeling sad and alone.

Blue Monday #bluemonday

In fact there's nothing blue about it! 

In fact, although we talk about feeling 'blue', there is not an overwhelming sense of depression about the color Blue! 

Yes, there are connotations to stormy seas with threatening consequences, and the over use of blue in decor can feel cold and impersonal. But the over-riding feeling is one of loyalty, fidelity and safety.

Color Personality Reading - if your favorite color is BLUE

"You are a calm, serene and peaceful individual who appreciates a secure, comfortable and non-abrasive home life.  You are extremely in-tune to the feelings of others and any hesitation you feel in offering counselling can sometimes be mistaken for a lack of confidence in yourself.  You dislike loud people, loud noises and can at times feel that you’d like to isolate yourself from everyday situations.  However, you are an eternal optimist beginning each day with an open page and thoroughly enjoy a challenge.  You enjoy a deep discussion and are extremely open minded, slow to judge and always able to look at both sides of the story. 

As you continually count and appreciate your own blessings you may naturally lean towards working in a caring profession; possibly nursing, social work or teaching and training.  This kind of work allows your own confidence to shine as you guide others towards achieving more of their own personal potential.

You have great creative ability and an innovative sometimes impulsive nature.  However, this creative side always goes hand in hand with a practical streak as you are organized and detailed, sometimes to the point of obsession.

Always focus your mind on the most realistic and practical steps but be flexible and open-minded, always willing to consider any options that may be presented to you.  A temporary period of rest will be invaluable to recharge and revitalise your energy base, before moving on once again.   

Trust yourself to consider all options instinctively but remain positive – have faith in yourself and grasp the future with open arms". 

No-one is one-dimensional of course and my Color Personality Reading/Quiz gives you a balanced view of your character by using your 3 favorite colors.

But, no doubt, the favorite color of us all is always BLUE!

Blue Monday blue picBlue in all it's shades is included in every Color Family

Blue is for everyone

Overall, Blue is our favorite color and whether your coloring is Seasonal or Tonal there are some delicious shades ready to flatter your complexion.

Make it Bloom Monday with FREE virtual flowers

There is no end to the lovely gestures that are available to us online.

I've found that worldwide florists IFlowers offer a service to send a free 'virtual' bouquet to someone you love. 

Blue Monday #bluemonday

Just click onto the link beneath the flowers above and you're taken straight to the page to make your choice. It works immediately!

If you're missing a friend or loved one, let them know just how much. Perhaps you want to send birthday wishes or just say thinking of you. It’s not quite a hug, but it's the next best thing! 

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