Am I Deep or Cool?

by Laurel

Laurel asks...

I believe I belong to the Deep colour family however I came back as Cool in the free Color Analysis Quiz. I am a woman of colour, I am a light brown, with greying hair and brown eyes. The women pictured using the Deep colours are a closer match to me.

Hi Laurel

You've obviously looked into your natural coloring with some depth and have a good understanding of color characteristics.

You are very probably perfectly correct in your assumption that you're primarily Deep. However, even though the free Color Analysis quiz is quite generic it has highlighted the fact that you are Cool.

Deep, of course, has elements of both Warm and Cool so it's perfectly feasible that you have Deep coloring but lean towards the Cool tones. In fact you can be Deep Cool very much like the lady in the photograph I feature above.

Hope this helps but if you need any further detailed advice please Contact Me again.

kind regards

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