Autumn coloring with Grey hair

by Arlene

Shades of Autumn

Shades of Autumn


I am an Autumn with olive skin dark brown eyes. I stopped coloring my hair which is now silvery white grey in the front and salt and pepper everywhere else. I like my hair but I am unsure what will be the best colors for me to wear. Any suggestions?


Hi Arlene

I'm delighted to hear that you are enjoying your new hair color - it looks very attractive. I have to say that an Autumn coloring doesn't always have an easy transition into grey hair!

If you were professionally analyzed and you were happy with those colors then, legitimately, your coloring is still Autumn and there is no reason why you shouldn't continue to enjoy your colors.

Autumn is a combination of Warm, Deep and Muted but when your hair greys it loses pigment and basically that means it loses Warmth. I am assuming that the brighter Warm tones are now slightly over-whelming you.

Because you do have quite a deep tone and your eyes are also very deep, I feel that you will look and feel more comfortable with the deeper shades from Autumn rather than the brightest - although this will depend very much on the color palette / color swatch that you are following.

In the Autumn swatch that I work with, there are sufficient color shades for you to select deeper tones of the same beautiful colors. I have put your image in two different color circles above - left shows you with the brighter tones from the Autumn swatch and, right, with some slightly deeper tones. There are also additional colors not shown and I think a deep forest green for example would look fabulous.

As you can see the same color palette can be adjusted very easily to flatter your now more intense natural coloring.

It is a matter of trial and error Arlene. Your hair and perhaps your skin too a little, has lost some of it's warmth but don't feel that you have to change your direction. As long as you understand what has happened, go with what makes you feel happy.

I hope this helps a little.

kind regards

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Dec 10, 2023
Clothes colours NEW
by: Ed

I’m an Autumn (Vibrant Autumn) with medium skin tone and blue eyes. My hair is a silvery grey, mostly a warmish white, at the front. I was told that i will always have my autumn colouring, but that i would need to avoid some colours and stick to more warm, vibrant colours. I must admit, some colours are less flattering now that I’ve stopped colouring my hair, but i still prefer my natural hair colour, as it does flatter my skin tone and eyes. I’m just wondering if i still need to stick with wrm colours, as some of the recommended jewel colours tend to be on the cooler side.

Mar 07, 2018
by: Anonymous

Yes I am or was a deep autumn.

Nov 05, 2015
New Image added
by: Pamela

Ladies - you will see that I have adjusted my comments slightly and added a new image to clarify my thinking.

I wouldn't suggest that Arlene colors her hair. Because her natural coloring has a lot of depth, it is quite normal for her hair to retain the steel grey tone and it is unlikely to change.

Nov 04, 2015
From your Photos.....
by: Ing-Marie

...I can make some assumptions, though.

You begin as "an Autumn with olive skin dark brown eyes." Makes me associate to Dark Autumn. Am I right in proposing your hair has been dark brown or even black? Autumn being Warm, I can see from your pepper and salt hair that you are now getting cooler.

You now have "silvery white grey in the front and
salt and pepper everywhere else." Did the hair of your front first get salt and pepper and Then silvery white?
In which case your pepper and salt will probably turn silvery white too.

Personally, I think silver white is a very chic, very ladylike hair color. You write: "I like my hair but I am unsure what will be the best colors for me to wear. Any suggestions?"

For suggestions: Well, if you are dark to begin with, my advice is to try to resemble your natural hair color, to begin with.

Nov 04, 2015
Talking of greying hair....
by: Ing-Marie

Am interested in this topic myself.
Being 55+ my golden brownish red hair has paled with the years and is now more of a warm beige/caramel/honey shade. Many white strands interspersed in my mane, from which I can judge that I will become silver white eventually.

I am not capable of judging other peoples' hairs. But must add that this subject - hair greying of different color seasons - have long been neglected. Have read many color analysis books - but very little written of how different color seasons grey.

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