America's First Ladies!

I loved watching the fashion and color choice of America's First Ladies this week at the Inauguration of the new President. 

The eyes of the world have been on the USA and, as I'm not an American, it's not for me to comment on politics. But I have to say that I watched with delight as the new powers laid out a new program of what appears to be pure decency and family values. 

Americas First Ladies 400

Am I allowed to say America's First Ladies? 

Forgive me if I wrongly group together the First Ladies, but it seems to me that Joe Biden needs equally the help and support of both his lovely wife Jill at home and his running mate Kamala Harris in the Oval office!

And of course I have to include the fabulous fashion sense of former First Lady Michelle Obama. 

Although the historic Inauguration ceremony was forced to scale down, it certainly didn't lack atmosphere and emotion. All America's first ladies wore head to toe color and, with their pick of America's stylists and designers, they didn't disappoint. 

How America's First Ladies wear their colors!

Dr Jill Biden

The petite Jill Biden chose a stunning teal blue dress and coat by New York designer Markarian. It was a perfect match to complement her turquoise/teal blue eyes.

The delicately pretty Dr Biden appears lean strongly towards a Warm undertone with her golden blonde hair and turquoise eyes. In fact she could easily be determined a Spring coloring so I ran her photos through some of her images. 

Americas First Ladies JB 3 palettesDr Jill Biden, First Lady of the United States

Jill Biden is Warm

These are the 3 color families with a Warm undertone. The Spring colors appear a little too brash and the Autumn colors are definitely too heavy.

She may well choose to wear some of the brighter shades of Spring from time to time but, overall, the slightly more mellow shades of the Warm color family, give her brilliant color with the elegance she would wish to portray. 

Americas First Ladies JB combo

She knows the colors that flatter; orange toned reds, soft yellow toned blues and the gorgeous periwinkles, nothing too heavy for a light complexion.

Her look is simple but classic in solid colors but her tailoring is soft and fluid.  

Kamala Harris

Such an historic occasion as Kamala Harris becomes the first American woman and the first black Vice-President to hold office. I don't think noting her fashion sense in any way detracts from the solemn position she now holds. 

The striking purple dress and coat by black designers Sergio Hudson and Christopher John Rogers on Inauguration Day made a fabulous splash on a cold crisp winter's day. 

Americas First Ladies KH AutuKamaha Harris, Vice-President of the United States of America

Kamala Harris is Autumn

With her strong coloring I suspected that she would fit into either the Autumn or Winter color palette. Looking more closely at her amber eyes it was no surprise to discover her Warm undertones and, thus, she is a perfect Autumn. The crisp tones of Winter look very harsh against her warm, deep and soft complexion. 

Americas First Ladies KH combo

Actually Kamala prefers to stick to neutrals for her day job, probably so as not to detract from the solemnity of her profession. What woman in authority wants to have her fashion sense discussed rather than her challenges! 

So lovely to see the brilliant jacket she chose for a less than formal day out. She appears to choose Autumn colors intuitively and the warm purple coat is perhaps the sign of more color to come.  

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama looked, as always, impeccable amongst America's First Ladies. 

She chose a striking ensemble of separates, turtle neck, pants and overcoat in slightly different shades of burgundy, the purest sense of the word 'monochromatic'.

MO3palettes.jpgMichelle Obama, former First Lady of the United States

Michelle Obama is Winter

As burgundy is probably my no. 1 choice for Winter coloring, I fully expected her to respond best to that palette. 

There's no doubt that the strength of the Winter colors show off her natural dramatic contrast to best effect.  

Americas First Ladies MO combo

Someone in the public eye does need to ring the changes and I've occasionally seen her wearing warm tones but they're not her best.  

How do I tell the difference? 

One way to tell the difference between Warm and Cool is the eyes. Looking closely at Kamala and Michelle shows a remarkable color difference in their eyes. 

Kamala's eyes are almost amber with a yellow undertone definitely WARM while Michelle's are a pure soft brown with a grey rim indicating COOL. 

America's First Ladies eyes

There are differences in skin tone too but that's not always immediately obvious until I do 'virtual draping' with images.  

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