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How to assess Body Type; a Closet Revamp and lots of Spring color!
April 13, 2024
Hi there

Spring is officially in full swing although we've had the wettest year start since records began. So don't forget to add an umbrella onto your Spring shopping list!

Regardless of when any warm weather decides to arrive we need to be prepared particularly if you have an occasion or holiday looming. But before you're tempted, consider having a Closet Revamp so you can be sure you're spending your money wisely exactly where it's needed first. You may be pleasantly surprised to find what gets hidden at the back of the wardrobe. Just take 3 STEPS, I'll hold your hand!!!

Last month you were pleased to see Julie, our competition winner, and her Color Analysis results. Thank you for your kind comments. This time Julie has agreed to show you how I Assess her Body Type. I hope this will help some of you to be more objective about your own figure.

Enjoy the warmer weather and see you again later in the month - Pamela x

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and lets look closely at Spring!

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Enjoy the Spring sunshine - Pamela x

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